Sean Bergara’s unique and motivating approach to Pilates offers everyone the opportunity to grow, learn, and to take their practice to infinity and beyond.

Sean Bergara’s approach to Pilates is unique and evolutionary. Read through Sean’s blogs and discover his journey and perspective on all things Pilates.

Get Eight: Sleep, the Overlooked Component of Total Health

When it comes to health, exercise and healthy eating are fundamental to living a long and vital life. However, there is a key element that is often overlooked yet instrumental with respect to supporting a healthy lifestyle, repairing your body, and optimizing its functionality. What is it? Read further for the answer. It takes more than sound nutrition, state of-the-art supplements, optimal protein levels, proper hydration, and varied workout programs to continually meet the physical demands placed on your body. Adequate sleep is an often-neglected aspect necessary for optimum muscle growth and tissue repair. The importance of quality sleep cannot be negated when trying to improve overall health. While you

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Complementary Movement Therapies

Today more than ever, we need a sustainable healthcare system. One that implements complementary movement therapies in conjunction with the “pill-it, “cut-it” methods. We can provide a more balanced therapeutic approach to pain management with the addition of complementary movement therapies. Movement therapies that teach the power of the mind and how the mind influences all bodily functions is a cornerstone of a sustainable healthcare system. The power of the mind is inexplicably connected to every functioning part of the body, and the mind influences the healing process on countless levels. Therefore, it is so important that complementary movement therapies teach this powerful connection between mind and body. How the

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